Business continuity is the capability of an organization to continue the delivery of products or services following a disruptive incident. With a business continuity plan you create systems of prevention and recovery to deal with potential threats to a company. Our specialized services in relation to BCP covers the following:

Business Continuity Plan Program assessment – companies believe that once they have a fully documented program, they are covered should an emergency hit. However, you don’t know for certain if your plans will work. At Riskhouse, we asses your BCP program by identifying whether it is continuously maintained, follows industry leading standards and complies with the laws. We come up with a Program Governance document, a technology focused Disaster Recovery Plan, Emergency Response Plans and a Crisis Communication plan.

Security Risk Assessment – we conduct a comprehensive security assessment that includes (i) identifying assets (e.g. network, servers, applications, data centers, tools, etc.) within the organization (ii) conducting a business impact analysis to identify critical business functions and processes and the resources that support them (iii) Understanding what data is stored, transmitted, and generated in an organization (iv) Assessing asset critically regarding business operations which includes the overall impact to revenue, reputation, and the likelihood of a firm’s exploitation (v) measuring the risk ranking for assets and prioritizing them for assessment (vi) applying mitigating controls for each asset based on assessment results and (v) creating risk profiles for each asset.

BCP Policy Review – once your organization implements a business continuity plan system and creates a business continuity plan, the work is not entirely done. Riskhouse can review your plan deed regularly and update to remain effective after proper testing.

BCP Policy Development – we develop a business continuity plan which involves conducting a business impact analysis to identify critical business functions and processes and the resources that support them.

BCP Monitoring – we  conduct realistic and feasible BCP that is simple, easy to perform and regularly monitored.

BCP Trainings – we offer trainings on BCP to better understand your organization’s framework for business continuity management or disaster recovery management. Train you on disaster recovery plan and Business Continuity Plan for all systems and business processes supporting customer data. In addition, we train you on information technology business continuity and disaster recovery program for your business that includes a process for reliable backup and recovery of all data.

We are here to help you.

Book a free 30-minute consultation to discuss the background of your case and requirements.