Threat detection spectrum and advanced threat hunting.
A network environment can be defined as a communications system that ties multiple users together. In such an environment, there is a need to establish control measures to detect advanced threats in the network. The security mechanism measures should identify the threat’s movement in, out, and laterally within the environment.
There is a need to establish a network detection response (NDR) that can identify and allow rapid and efficient response to threat incidents and analyze the network traffic matrix. This will enable the identification of zero-day exploits and unknown unidentified threats to enhance advanced security threat hunting and detection capabilities.
The organization should embrace the following practices to prevent the threats: –
- Human expertise – security experts should have the ability to observe and act on incidents for the purpose of preventing major damages the business may encounter.
- An automated response – there is a need for integration and automation of security appliances to be capable of taking actions to block and mitigate potential threats as they are detected. This can be done by automatically blocking traffic from active IP addresses that are identified as known threats.
- Artificial Intelligence/ Threat Intelligence – this is the integration of network devices and other applications by use of intelligence that feeds up-to-date information on known threats and cybercrime attackers on a network.
At Riskhouse International, we assist the management and organizations to develop policies and standards that assess security control measures and embrace a healthy network environment. To learn more about this service and to catch up on our updates and alerts you can visit our website at